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Dyer, Abigail
Wagner, Richard (1813–1883) Translated by Dyer, Abigail
Wagner, Richard (1813–1883) Translated by Dyer, Abigail
Wagner, Richard (1813–1883) Translated by Dyer, Abigail
Tristan and Isolde
Wagner, Richard (1813–1883) Translated by Dyer, Abigail
Hardin, Richard F.
An Introduction to Plautus Through Scenes
Plautus (c.254 BC–184 BC)Translated/authored by Hardin, Richard F.
Jgerenaia, Lela G.
Host and Guest
Vazha-Pshavela (1861–1915)Translated by Jgerenaia, Lela G.
Kelk, Christopher
Apollonius (Rhodius) (fl.300–225 BC)Translated by Kelk, Christopher
The Mosella of Ausonius
Ausonius, Decimius Magnus (c. 310–c. 395)Translated by Kelk, Christopher
Hesiod's Works and Days
Hesiod (fl.750–650 BC)Translated by Kelk, Christopher
Hesiod's Theogony
Hesiod (fl.750–650 BC)Translated by Kelk, Christopher
Hesiod's Shield of Heracles
Hesiod (fl.750–650 BC)Translated by Kelk, Christopher
The Homeric Hymns
Homer (c.750 BC)Translated by Kelk, Christopher
Lucretius's De Rerum Natura
Lucretius (c. 99–c. 55)Translated by Kelk, Christopher
Ovid's The Art of Beauty
Ovid (43 BC–17)Translated by Kelk, Christopher
Terence's Phormio
Terence (c. 195 – c. 159? BC)Translated by Kelk, Christopher
Terence's Adelphi
Terence (c. 195 – c. 159? BC)Translated by Kelk, Christopher
Terence's Andria
Terence (c. 195 – c. 159? BC)Translated by Kelk, Christopher
Terence's Heautontimorumenos
Terence (c. 195 – c. 159? BC)Translated by Kelk, Christopher
Terence's Hecyra
Terence (c. 195 – c. 159? BC)Translated by Kelk, Christopher
Terence's Eunuchus
Terence (c. 195 – c. 159? BC)Translated by Kelk, Christopher
Kline, A. S.
Selected Poems from Anna Akhmatova
Akhmatova, Anna (1889–1966)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Selected Poems from Rafael Alberti
Alberti, Rafael (1902–1999)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Divine Comedy
Alighieri, Dante (1265–1321)Translated by Kline, A. S.
La Vita Nuova
Alighieri, Dante (1265–1321)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Selected Rime of Dante Alighieri
Alighieri, Dante (1265–1321)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Convivio: The Banquet
Alighieri, Dante (1265–1321)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Book of the Heart Seized by Love
Anjou, René de (1409–1480)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Annensky: Twenty Five Poems
Annensky, Innokenty (1855–1909)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Selected Poems of Guillaume Apollinaire
Apollinaire, Guillaume (1880–1918)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Golden Ass
Apuleius (c.124–170)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Satyricon
Arbiter, Gaius Petronius (27–66)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Orlando Furioso
Ariosto, Ludovico (1474–1533)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Carmina Burana: The Wheel of Fortune
Author Anonymous (c.1000–1200)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Aucassin & Nicolette
Author Anonymous (c. 1200)Translated by Kline, A. S.
El Cantar de mío Cid
Author Anonymous (c.1200)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Author Anonymous (c.750)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Seafarer
Author Anonymous (c.750)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Wanderer
Author Anonymous (c.750)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Baudelaire: Poems, Extracts & Commentary
Baudelaire, Charles (1821–1867)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Painter of Modern Life (Le Peintre de la Vie Moderne)
Baudelaire, Charles (1821–1867)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Le Spleen de Paris (Petits Poèmes en prose, 1869)
Baudelaire, Charles (1821–1867)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Le Bel Inconnu
Beaujeu, Renaud de (1165–1230)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Ruins of Rome
Bellay, Joachim du (c.1522–1560)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Selected Poems from Joachim du Bellay
Bellay, Joachim du (c.1522–1560)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Gaspard de la Nuit
Bertrand, Aloysius (1807–1841)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Lament for Adonis and The Lament for Bion
Bion (fl. c100BC)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Blok: Selected Poems
Blok, Alexander (1880–1921)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Orlando Innamorato
Boiardo, Matteo Maria (1440–1494)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Selected Poems from Jorge Luis Borges
Borges, Jorge Luis (1899–1986)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Further Selected Poems from Jorge Luis Borges
Borges, Jorge Luis (1899–1986)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Breton's First Surrealist Manifesto
Breton, Andre (1896–1966)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Catullus (c.84 BC–54 BC)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Guido Cavalcanti
Cavalcanti, Guido (c.1255–1300)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Selected Poems from Paul Celan
Celan, Paul (1920–1970)Translated by Kline, A. S.
La Belle Dame Sans Merci, and other poems
Chartier, Alain (c.1385–c.1430)Translation by Kline, A. S.
Chateaubriand's Memoirs
Chateaubriand, François-René de (1768–1848)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Atala & René
Chateaubriand, François-René de (1768–1848)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Last of the Abencerrajes
Chateaubriand, François-René de (1768–1848)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Chateaubriand - Travels in Italy
Chateaubriand, François-René de (1768–1848)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Itinerary
Chateaubriand, François-René de (1768–1848)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Canterbury Tales
Chaucer, Geoffrey (c.1343–1400)Modernised by Kline, A. S.
Troilus and Criseyde
Chaucer, Geoffrey (c.1343–1400)Modernised by Kline, A. S.
The Dream Poems and Other Works
Chaucer, Geoffrey (c.1343–1400)Modernised by Kline, A. S.
Modernised versions of The Book of the Duchess, The House of Fame, The Parliament of Fowls and The Legend of Good Women from the collection The Dream Poems and Other Works.
Selected Poems from ‘Les Amours Jaunes’
Corbière, Tristan (1845–1875)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Le Cid
Corneille, Pierre (1606–1684)Translated by Kline, A. S.
St John Of The Cross
Cruz, San Juan de la (1542–1591)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Deschamps - Selected Poems
Deschamps, Eustache (1346–1407) Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Songs and Sonnets of John Donne
Donne, John (c.1572–1631)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Twenty-Four Poems from Paul Éluard
Éluard, Paul (1895–1952)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Sixteen More Poems from Paul Éluard
Éluard, Paul (1895–1952)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Eschenbach, Wolfram von (c.1160–c.1220)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Lais of Marie de France
France, Marie de (fl.1160–1215)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Gautier - Selected Poems
Gautier, Théophile (1811–1872) Translated by Kline, A. S.
Gautier - Travels in Spain
Gautier, Théophile (1811–1872) Translated by Kline, A. S.
Gautier - Travels in Italy
Gautier, Théophile (1811–1872) Translated by Kline, A. S.
Gautier - Travels in Russia
Gautier, Théophile (1811–1872) Translated by Kline, A. S.
Faust Parts I & II
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749–1832)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Selected Poems from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749–1832)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Goethe's Roman Elegies
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749–1832)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Goethe's Iphigenia In Tauris
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749–1832)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Goethe's Venetian Epigrams
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749–1832)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Selected Poems from Luis de Góngora y Argote
Góngora y Argote, Luis de (1561–1627)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Words from Cold Mountain
Han-shan (c.800)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Heine, Heinrich (1797–1856)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Selected poems from Miguel Hernandez
Hernandez, Miguel (1910–1942)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Further Selected Poems from Miguel Hernandez
Hernandez, Miguel (1910–1942)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Iliad - The killing fields of Troy
Homer (c.750 BC)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Odyssey - The wanderings of Odysseus
Homer (c.750 BC)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Horace - The Major Works
Horace (65 BC–8 BC)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The four books of Odes complete. The Satires, Epistles, Ars Poetica, Carmen Saeculare and the Epodes.
Italicus, Silius (c. 28–c. 103)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Juvenal's Satires
Juvenal (55–140)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Gautier, Théophile (1811–1872)
Kline, A. S.Translated by Kline, A. S.
Clear Ground
Kline, A. S. (b.1947)
Kline, A. S. (b.1947)
From the Mountain
Kline, A. S. (b.1947)
Looking Back At Earth
Kline, A. S. (b.1947)
Nature and Spirit
Kline, A. S. (b.1947)
The Presence of Light
Kline, A. S. (b.1947)
The Singing Of The Real World
Kline, A. S. (b.1947)
The Gate Of Grass
Kline, A. S. (b.1947)
No Roots Except In Air
Kline, A. S. (b.1947)
Entangled Clouds
Kline, A. S. (b.1947)
Slipping By
Kline, A. S. (b.1947)
The Other Side of Silence
Kline, A. S. (b.1947)
Poetry, Charity
Kline, A. S. (b.1947)
Voiceless Banners Blowing
Kline, A. S. (b.1947)
Deep Fields
Kline, A. S. (b.1947)
Pollen In The Air
Kline, A. S. (b.1947)
Dark Matter
Kline, A. S. (b.1947)
Freedom and Meaning
Kline, A. S. (b.1947)
Another Nature
Kline, A. S. (b.1947)
Kline, A. S. (b.1947)
Wild Fruit
Kline, A. S. (b.1947)
On A Distant Planet
Kline, A. S. (b.1947)
Like Water or Clouds
Kline, A. S. (b.1947)Authored/translated by Kline, A. S.
Storming Heaven
Kline, A. S. (b.1947)
The Compound Ghost
Kline, A. S. (b.1947)
The Life Within
Kline, A. S. (b.1947)
Winning The Rose
Kline, A. S. (b.1947)Translated by Kline, A. S.
A commentary on The Romance of the Rose by Guillaume de Lorris and the Continuation by Jean de Meung.
The Restless Spirit
Kline, A. S. (b.1947)
Meditations on the Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri
Kline, A. S. (b.1947)
A Honeycomb For Aphrodite
Kline, A. S. (b.1947)
Further Aphorisms
Kline, A. S. (b.1947)
The Theatre of Words
Kline, A. S. (b.1947)
The Sonnets of Louise Labé
Labé, Louise (c. 1524–c. 1566)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Chansons, Rondeaux, Motets
La Halle, Adam de (c.1240–c.1288)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Tao Te Ching
Lao Tzu (c.605 BC–c.531 BC)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Layamon's Brut
Layamon (c.1190–1215)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Complete Canti of Leopardi
Leopardi (1798–1837)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Prose of Federico García Lorca
Lorca, Federico Garcia (1898–1936)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Theory and Play of the Duende, his lectures on Deep Song, and Lullabies, his radio talk Holy Week in Granada, and his prose Impressions of Granada of 1918.
Lorca: Four Final Plays
Lorca, Federico Garcia (1898–1936)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Lorca: Poems of Love and Death
Lorca, Federico Garcia (1898–1936)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Romance of the Rose
Lorris, Guillaume de (1200–1238)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Lucan (39–65)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Selected Poems by Antonio Machado
Machado, Antonio (1875–1939)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Motets of Guillaume de Machaut
Machaut, Guillaume de (c. 1300–1377)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Rondeaux & Ballades of Guillaume de Machaut
Machaut, Guillaume de (c. 1300–1377)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Virelais of Guillaume de Machaut
Machaut, Guillaume de (c. 1300–1377)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Book of the True Tale (Le Livre dou Voir Dit)
Machaut, Guillaume de (c. 1300–1377)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Remedy for Fortune (Le Remede de Fortune)
Machaut, Guillaume de (c. 1300–1377)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Un Coup de Dés & Other Poems
Mallarmé, Stéphane (1842–1898)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Fragments - Anatole's Tomb
Mallarmé, Stéphane (1842–1898)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Twenty-four major Poems from Osip Mandelshtam
Mandelstam, Osip (1891–1938)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Forty-four more Poems from Osip Mandelshtam
Mandelstam, Osip (1891–1938)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Mandelstam - The Essays
Mandelstam, Osip (1891–1938)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Selected Poems from Clément Marot
Marot, Clément (1496–1544)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Martial - Selected Epigrams
Martial (c.38–c.104)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Romance of the Rose, The Continuation
Meung, Jean de (c. 1240–c. 1305)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Selected Poems of Eugenio Montale
Montale, Eugenio (1896–1981)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Moréas's Manifesto of Symbolism (1886)
Moréas, Jean (1856–1910)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Major Poems of Pablo Neruda
Neruda, Pablo (1904–1973)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Floire and Blancheflor
Orbigny, Robert de (c.1100–1200)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Ballades and Rondeaux of Charles d’Orléans
Orléans, Charles de (1394–1465)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Metamorphoses
Ovid (43 BC–17)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Ovid's Love Poems
Ovid (43 BC–17)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Ovid's Heroides
Ovid (43 BC–17)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Ovid's Poems of Exile
Ovid (43 BC–17)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Ovid's Fasti
Ovid (43 BC–17)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Twenty-Two Poems from Boris Pasternak
Pasternak, Boris (1890–1960)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Persius's Satires
Persius (34–62)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Twenty poems from Fernando Pessoa
Pessoa, Fernando (1888–1935)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Petrarch's Complete Canzoniere
Petrarch (1304–1374)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Rondeaux of Christine de Pisan
Pisan, Christine de (1364–c.1430)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Hundred Ballads of Christine de Pisan
Pisan, Christine de (1364–c.1430)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Love Elegies of Sextus Propertius
Propertius (c.50 BC–c.15 BC)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Eugene Onegin
Pushkin, Alexander (1799–1837)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Ruslan and Ludmila
Pushkin, Alexander (1799–1837)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Bronze Horseman
Pushkin, Alexander (1799–1837)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Selected Poems from Salvatore Quasimodo
Quasimodo, Salvatore (1901–1968)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Twenty Further Poems from Salvatore Quasimodo
Quasimodo, Salvatore (1901–1968)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Selected Sonnets of Francisco de Quevedo
Quevedo, Francisco de (1580–1645)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Racine, Jean (1639–1699)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Racine, Jean (1639–1699)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Racine, Jean (1639–1699)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Rainer Maria Rilke's Duino Elegies, commentary and further poems
Rilke, Rainer Maria (1875–1926)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Rainer Maria Rilke's French Poems
Rilke, Rainer Maria (1875–1926)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Letters to a Young Poet
Rilke, Rainer Maria (1875–1926)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Rainer Maria Rilke's Sonnets to Orpheus with commentary
Rilke, Rainer Maria (1875–1926)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Rimbaud, Arthur (1854–1891)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Selected poems from Pierre de Ronsard
Ronsard, Pierre de (1524–1585)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Cyrano de Bergerac
Rostand, Edmond (1868–1918)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Umberto Saba - Eighteen Poems
Saba, Umberto (1883–1957)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Sappho, Poems and Fragments
Sappho (630 BC–570 BC)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Scève, Maurice (c. 1501–c. 1564)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Quotations from Shakespeare
Shakespeare, William (1564–1616)Arranged by Kline, A. S.
Astrophil & Stella
Sidney, Philip (1554–1586)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Fifty Selected Sonnets by Gaspara Stampa
Stampa, Gaspara (1523–1554)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Fifty More Selected Sonnets by Gaspara Stampa
Stampa, Gaspara (1523–1554)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Statius's Thebaid
Statius (c.45–c.96)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Strassburg, Gottfried von (c.1165–c.1215)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Twelve Caesars
Suetonius (69–140)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Agricola & Germania
Tacitus, Publius Cornelius (c.56–c.120)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Annals
Tacitus, Publius Cornelius (c.56–c.120)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Histories
Tacitus, Publius Cornelius (c.56–c.120)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Fifty selected Poems, set for Voice
Tasso, Torquato (1544–1595)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
The Pearl Poet (c.1390)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Complete Poems of Tibullus and Sulpicia
Tibullus, Albius (c.55 BC–19 BC)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Troubadour Poetry, From Dawn to Dawn
Troubadours, The (c.1100–c.1350)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Sixty poems of the Troubadours translated from the Occitan. The translations are close to the originals in content, rhyme-scheme and rhythm. Included are translations of poems by Guillaume de Poitiers, Jaufre Rudel, Beatritz de Dia, Bernart de Ventadorn, Arnaut Daniel, Peire Vidal, Bertran de Born, Raimbaut de Vaqueiras, Guillem de Cabestan, Sordello, and others.
The Arthurian Romances of Chrétien de Troyes
Troyes, Chrétien de (1130–1191)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Twenty-Four Poems from Marina Tsvetaeva
Tsvetaeva, Marina (1892–1941)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Berlin Poems: 1922
Tsvetaeva, Marina (1892–1941)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Twenty More Poems from Marina Tsvetaeva
Tsvetaeva, Marina (1892–1941)Translated by Kline, A. S.
La Chanson de Roland (the Song of Roland)
Turold (c.1100)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Various AuthorsTranslated by Kline, A. S.
Early French Poetry
Various Authors (1100–1400)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Italian Poetry to 1600
Various Authors (1200–1600)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Clear Voices
Various Authors (1718–1943)Translated by Kline, A. S.
French Poetry of the 19th Century
Various Authors (1800)Translated by Kline, A. S.
French Poetry of the 20th Century
Various Authors (1880–1986)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Five 20th Century Italian Poets
Various Authors (1883–1981)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Sonnets of Garcilaso de la Vega
Vega, Garcilaso de la (1501–1536)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Selected Poems from Paul Verlaine
Verlaine, Paul (1844–1896)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Further Poems from Paul Verlaine
Verlaine, Paul (1844–1896)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Les Poètes Maudits
Verlaine, Paul (1844–1896)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Villon, Francois (1432–1463)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Eclogues & Georgics
Virgil (70 BC–19 BC)Translated by Kline, A. S.
The Aeneid
Virgil (70 BC–19 BC)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Don Juan Tenorio
Zorrilla, José (1817-1893)Translated by Kline, A. S.
Levy, Jim
Elation, a Plea
Levy, Jim (b.1940)Mattes, M. J.
The Teachings of Epicurus
Mattes, M. J.
Is the Aeneid a Trojan Horse?
Mattes, M. J.Murgatroyd, Paul
Seneca (4 BC–65)Translated by Murgatroyd, Paul
Shao, X. Z.
Poetry from the East
Shao, X. Z.Various Authors
Stretch Your Mind
Various AuthorsA personal selection of links to texts at Project Gutenberg, as a tribute to Michael S. Hart (1947-2011) inventor of the e-book.
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