Lorca: Four Final Plays
translated by Kline, A. S. (contact-email)
,This work comprises new translations of Lorca’s final, major plays - Blood Wedding, Yerma, The House of Bernarda Alba and Doña Rosita the Spinster and the Language of Flowers. Federico García Lorca’s theatrical works, notably these last four plays of the 1930s, are prominent for their support of the ‘theatre of social action’. He utilised straightforward, yet evocative language and dynamic emotional scenes to reflect the oppressive existence of rural Spaniards. Lorca viewed theatre as a platform for challenging outmoded social doctrines and exploring universal human emotions. While exploring the stifling aspects of contemporary life for both the rural poor and the isolated individual, his plays also challenged the conventional roles of women in society, and allowed him to express, indirectly, his frustrations with attitudes to sexuality and homo-eroticism which affected him personally, and may have contributed to his subsequent persecution within Spain and his death.

Kline, A. S.
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