Bion's Lament for Adonis, and the Lament for Bion
Our new translation of these two Ancient Greek laments is now online here.
'The Lament for Adonis' by the Lydian poet Bion, and the 'Lament for Bion', probably written by a pupil of his, were significant influences on subsequent literary tradition. Eustache Deschamps' laments for Guillaume Machaut and Geoffrey Chaucer; Milton's 'Lycidas' a tribute to his friend Edward King; Shelley's 'Adonais', his lament for Keats; and Lorca's 'Lament for Ignacio Sánchez Mejías', the matador, are fine examples of this, while Rilke's introduction of a female figure personifying Lament to his tenth 'Duino Elegy', is a further example of how these Greek works found later echoes.
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