Théophile Gautier: Travels in Italy
Following our publication of his Travels in Spain (Voyage en Espagne), our new edition of Théophile Gautier's Travels in Italy (Voyage en Italie) is now available online here. This is the second in our planned series of his major travel writings, which will also include, Russia, Belgium, London, and Constantinople.
His Voyage en Italie is an account of his travels in 1850 predominantly in Northern Italy, since Rome and the south are absent, and Florence is treated in brief only in the last section. The work centres on his account of Venice, which he claimed as one of the three cities of his dreams, namely Granada, Venice and Cairo.
This enhanced translation has been designed to offer maximum compatibility with current search engines. Among other modifications, the proper names of people and places, and the titles given to works of art, have been fully researched, modernised, and expanded; comments in parentheses have been added here and there to provide a reference, or clarify meaning; and minor typographic or factual errors, for example incorrect attributions and dates, in the original text, have been eliminated from this new translation.
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