Baudelaire: Poems, Extracts & Commentary

Baudelaire, Charles (1821–1867), translated by Kline, A. S. (contact-email)

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Eight-eight major poems, in translation, from Baudelaire’s collection Les Fleurs du mal; Voyage to Modernity - A new commentary on Baudelaire’s poetry; and brief, selected extracts from Baudelaire’s prose writings. Born in Paris in 1821, Charles Baudelaire experienced early familial disruptions that shaped his emotional landscape and views on women. Opting for a literary career over diplomacy, his work was tinged with themes of travel and exoticism, partly inspired by a failed 1841 trip to Calcutta funded by his stepfather. Active in the 1848 Revolution, the 1850s were for him a period of poor health and financial woes. During this time, he translated Edgar Allan Poe’s works and published his key poetry collection, Les Fleurs du mal, in 1857. As an art critic, he advocated for Delacroix and introduced the concept of “modernity” to describe societal shifts brought by Enlightenment, revolutionary ideals, and industrialization. A stroke and paralysis in 1866 led to his death in 1867.

Author Details

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Kline, A. S.

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