translated by Theodoridis, G., (contributor-contact-email)
,Euripides’ tragedy Heracles, written around 416 BC, was first performed at the City Dionysia festival in Athens. The play narrates a tragic episode in the life of the Greek hero Heracles, also known as Hercules. While Heracles strives to capture Cerberus in the underworld - completing one of his twelve labours - his family in Thebes (his father Amphitryon, wife Megara, and children) are sentenced to death by Lycus. Heracles returns in time to save them but is driven into a frenzied state by the goddesses Iris and Madness. In this frenzy, he tragically kills his wife and children. The play is one of the two surviving Euripidean tragedies that focus on Heracles’ family; the other is Children of Heracles.

Theodoridis, G.,
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